Tuesday, November 21, 2006

One down, two to go

I’m sitting in my hotel room in Lethbridge, it’s almost midnight, I’m going on about five hours of sleep and no dinner, and I have to be up early again tomorrow morning to go to Calgary. My company is hosting a massive celebration and lecture in Lethbridge, Calgary, and Edmonton back-to-back. If you’ve ever planned a relatively large event, you know this is suicide. I’m completely burnt out and we still have two events (400 guests at each) to go and about 500 more kilometers to travel. Oh, and to top it all off, I burnt my tongue on a hot water that was supposed to be a Tim’s hot chocolate, I got stuck in downtown Calgary’s rush hour, my hotel lost my company’s account into, and I forgot my toothbrush. Lin and Lace, we better bring the wine out this weekend!


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